Our History
Well, well… Why not build the same in St. Jovite?
Therefore, in 1986, Mr. George Kelegher and associate Mr. Stanley M. Hopmeyer along with architect Adam Chimielewski set to work realizing George’s long time dream of creating a small village within the town of St Jovite itself.
The mall known as Le Petit Hameau St. Jovite has been in operation since it’s official inauguration in November 1987.The pedestrian plaza, essentially a group of buildings built around a central alley provides access to various boutiques and restaurants.
It’s style has incited other shop owners in town to preserve St. Jovite’s unique character and take pride in their own contributions.
To this date, Le Petit Hameau serves as backdrop to amateur and professional photographers alike and is a popular meeting place thanks to it’s cafes, restaurants and terraces.

814-4, rue de Saint-Jovite
Mont-Tremblant, Qc
J8E 3J8